Photos of Witham

Bottom of Newland Street looking up, with children

Taken: 1900-1914, Source: Purchased, Ref: M753

Bottom of Newland Street looking up.. Left hand side of road, left to right, very small part of 124 Newland Street (brick), 118 Newland Street. Right hand side of road, left to right, 117 Newland Street, 119 Newland Street (these two together, three storey), 121 Newland Street (two storey), 125 Newland Street, 127 Newland Street (these two together, with gables), part of 129 Newland Strweet (with bow window).

Date taken1900-1914
Posted on Full size 2198 × 1349

Unless otherwise specified, photos are the copyright of the original photographer.

Every effort has been made to contact the owners of the photos or their relatives, to obtain their permission to use their pictures. But I have not always managed to find them, for which I apologise.

The photos appear in the order they were catalogued. Use Search to look for photos showing particular people, places etc.