Photos of Witham

Chipping Hill bridge looking east

Taken: 1910 to 1920, Source: Drake, Martyn, Ref: M1410

Chipping bridge looking east. In background, left to right, 6 Powershall End, the wall of Witham Place, 1 Powershall End (Mill House). Postmark 8 [???] 1920. Addressed to Mr Scogings[sic] 38 Hartmire[?] Rd, Elmstead, SE18′. Message reads ‘c/o Mrs Reeves, Bridge Street, Witham, Dear Friend. Just to let you know I’m thinking of you all. Please give my love to Mrs I and ask her when she writes to let me have Dorothys address. We are off to Hatfield today but I feel very down in the dumps. Want you all to cheer me up. As ever May’.

PublisherBell [to judge from number]. No.42
Date taken1910 to 1920
SourceDrake, Martyn
Posted on Full size 3390 × 2217

Unless otherwise specified, photos are the copyright of the original photographer.

Every effort has been made to contact the owners of the photos or their relatives, to obtain their permission to use their pictures. But I have not always managed to find them, for which I apologise.

The photos appear in the order they were catalogued. Use Search to look for photos showing particular people, places etc.