Photos of Witham

Retirement presentation to Cecil Joslin at Crittall’s

Taken: 1979, Source: Joslin, Cecil.
Cerine, Braintree Road, Ref: M2146

Retirement presentation to Cecil Joslin at Crittall’s (no. 3 on film). Cecil Joslin on left and foreman Michael Moore on right (Cecil said he was a lovely fellow). Pile of windows also.

Date taken1979
SourceJoslin, Cecil.
Cerine, Braintree Road
Posted on Full size 2560 × 1683

Unless otherwise specified, photos are the copyright of the original photographer.

Every effort has been made to contact the owners of the photos or their relatives, to obtain their permission to use their pictures. But I have not always managed to find them, for which I apologise.

The photos appear in the order they were catalogued. Use Search to look for photos showing particular people, places etc.